David Algar could best be described as a 'middle class itinerant,' always moving from school to school and place to place. His first degree, from Aberystwyth University, was in Economics and International Relations; forty years later, he is working towards a second degree in Psychology and Politics. The wandering life included a long career in industry, regularly changing jobs in the nick of time to avoid being found out.
Along the way, he has managed to pick up a wife, two kids and five chickens, three bikes and a kayak, all to be found in a small village in South Buckinghamshire. Writing came late in life, fuelled by the curiosity brought on by being continually on the move: a curiosity for how we live through the chaos in the world, how we use our humanity for good and how we can all - especially men - be immensely silly along the way.
When he's not writing, or gazing into the middle distance, David is happiest travelling, playing sport or just being badly behaved with friends.